PHP Jobs

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PHP Jobs

PHP is a recursive acronym, standing for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. Initially created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf it has grown to become one of the most widely used open source general-purpose scripting languages in use today. PHP5 was released in July 2004 and its use has grown rapidly due to it being especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.

The increased demand for web applications and web sites over the last decade has grown massively. The shift from traditional desktop computers to mobiles and tablets, coupled with the increased data transfer rates of the internet as whole this can only be set to grow.

Salaries for PHP Jobs

PHP job vacancies in the UK can differ widely depending on the skills and experience required. If you are an experienced PHP developer and can couple this with some of the other key skills mentioned below then you can expect an average salary of 35-40,000 per year.

If you are looking to gain your first PHP job then the best route is often to learn simple web site design and build skills and then to start using simple PHP commands to embed and manipulate data and use it in conjunction with databases. If you have HTML and CSS skills look for jobs that offer “exposure to PHP” or where the company produce sites using the systems and frameworks mentioned below.

Other skills requested in PHP Job adverts

Drupal - part CMS, part framework - Drupal is built in PHP and is a very desirable skill
Wordpress - this widely-used blogging system is also built on PHP
Zend - a framework as well as the core engine that drives PHP
HTML 5 - if you want to work on web sites you need to know HTML
CSS - again this is vital. Font tags are no longer cool apparently!
MySQL - open source database system, often used in conjunction with PHP
Linux - open source operating system that is often used to host sites running PHP

Top locations for PHP Jobs

As you would expect with most web jobs, the greatest demand is for PHP Jobs in London, with other top locations including Leeds, Manchester, Yorkshire, Oxfordshire, Cambridgshire and Bristol.

PHP is a very robust skill to have in your arsenal as a web designer / developer. It is great to learn at a basic level and very flexible and powerful for more seasoned users.

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