Developer Jobs

Your search for Developer Jobs found 86 matching vacancies.

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Developer Jobs

There are many types of developer jobs, including software developer jobs, web developer jobs and mobile developer jobs. A developer in general is someone who creates either a piece of software, a website or other technical solutions to fulfil a business need.

Demand for developers is continuing to grow with the surge in mobile and internet technologies as well as our everyday dependence on IT.

Salaries for Developer Jobs

Developer is a very broad title that covers professionals with a wide range of skills, including those mentioned below. As such, the salary you can expect will vary depending on which development skills you have and how much experience you hold in each skill. Typically however, a junior developer could be looking at earning an annual salary of around 25,000 to 27,000. Moving up to a senior developer you are more likely to find salaries of around 60,000.

Location will of course play a role in the salaries you can expect with the highest salaries being found in London. The average salary for a developer job is 40,000.

Other skills requested in Developer Job adverts

.Net - developed by Microsoft, .net is a commonly used software framework
C# - Again developed by Microsoft, however c# is a multi-paradigm programming language
SQL - a programming language designed for data management
HTML - if you want to work on web sites you need to know HTML
CSS - cascading style sheets, often an essential skill in web development
Java - as of 2012, one of the most popular programming languages in web applications
JavaScript - commonly used scripting language, still increasing in popularity

Top locations for Developer Jobs

As you would expect with most development jobs, the greatest demand is for Developer Jobs in London, with other top locations including West Midlands, Manchester, Yorkshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey and Berkshire.


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